Hey everyone!! I am excited because training is finally over!! We have our swear in ceremony on Tuesday the 25th, and everyone is looking forward to the festivities. The following Saturday we're all being shipped off to our villages where we have to spend the whole first month alone! I am really nervous about it because when I went for live in the villagers all felt it was necessary to tell me that they loved the last volunteer and that I don't have Hausa. I am hoping I will be fine and meet some nice patient people to help tutor me in Hausa so I can function in the bush on my own. I took my first cow cart ride during live in 2 weeks ago, and it was pretty nice, I had to ride 1 1/2 hours through sand and millet fields to my market town and then catch a bus taxi for the 3 hour ride to my regional capital/hostel in maradi. Things are going well, I love to get mail and packages like every other PCV, and I hope to hear from you all soon!! Katie